Om Luis
We have had all kind of animals before
coming to Sweden. Our favorite are dogsand cats, the firsts we had and taken careof small, medium and large races such asYorkshire Teacup, Schnauzer, Chow Chow,German Shepherd, Pitbull, etc. With cats,we've even nursed stray cats after injuries.We don't like to see animals sufferingbut well fed, cared and loved. During outlives, we had several breeds of dogs andcats that stayed with us till they passedaway, all of them by natural causes andsurrounded by family and a jungle likeenvironment (full of plants and differentkind of birds and fish) being pampered tillthe end as members of the family. We takesitting animals very seriously and I love todo it.
Thea and I complement each other takingcare of pets, you will get two sitters for theprice of one, so I case she is busy, Luis cantake care of your pet or vice versa.
We have a balance to follow up the exactamount of food provided to the pets basedon their owners instructions when sittingthem at home. If the client needs us to visit or walk their pets at their home, we usuallyarrange a previous meet so we can agreeon the dos and don'ts, what they and usexpect from each other and ground rules.
We have experience taking care of dogs and cats for over 20 years. We love to spend time with them and have passion and dedication for animals.
As mentioned, we have a long time working with animals and we have references in Sweden as well that are willing to be contacted.
We live in an apartment with a small fenced garden